I have seen this wall sticker over and over and I love it, It's my son [to a tee] but they are pretty expensive so I wanted to try and re-create it as a stencil; so I made my own.
Here's what I did!!
I started by printing out the quote and taping together all the sheets of paper.
Then I cut out all the letters to make the "stencil". This part was tedious but well work being patient so the letters are all correct. (Sorry the pictures is hard to see white paper on a white wall) You also have to be careful when cutting out your letters with a middle [d's, o's e's] if you don't leave a small piece connected they will not turn out correct. I left a small tab on each side when I made my cuts so they were more stable. You can see on the picture below that the little centers fell down once weighted down with the paint so be sure you hang onto them when paining.
I took my sponge 'brush' and gently dabbed on the paint [you can use whatever color you want, my son's room is grey and white so i used the grey I already had].
A close up of how it looks after dabbing on the paint.
The finished product.
It looks small but its really big, about 4 feet across and 2 foot tall. I love how it turned out. So does everyone who I proudly show it off it.
It didn't cost me anything because I already had everything!! (Even better)